Dan, my brother-in-law and Dustin's father, decided this year to return to the slope in Colorado. I'm not sure what or why he decided as I never spoke to him about this but I knew he was going.
So yesterday evening, I decided to text my niece to let her know I was thinking of them and asked if she had heard from her father. A few minutes later my phone rang and looking over I saw it was my niece calling....I answered but it wasn't Lindsay's voice on the other end...it was Dan's. He could tell I was confused and explained he had taken Lindsay's phone as his was on the blink...I apologized as I knew that day was very special and sacred to him....but he had such a calmness around him repeating to me and assuring me it was ok. I asked if he was up there and was he ok....he said it was good. He just wanted to let me know he had received the message meant for Lindsay and appreciated it. We hung up after that...I can't tell you how much I cried last night. It had been building all week thinking of this week and how it's affected my sister and her family.
My own life has some quirks and turns I've been dealing with....but yesterday, I realized just how small my issues were. January will be over soon....and I'll look forward to springtime.
Tex: wow. I'm so sorry for your loss. Puts a lot of our little concerns in perspective. Sending hygs your way! Beth
thanks beth. its still surreal
Oh, Tex. I'm sendin' major good vibes to you.
Spring IS coming. Dang fast.
Well. What is there to say, except my heart goes out to you and your family. I've had losses in my family, too, but (except for my brother in law who died suddenly) the rest have been older people. Losing a little guy like your nephew just breaks your heart. But, for all the darkness of winter, there are the beautiful days of summer. Let's hold on to those. It was probably good that you had a good cry to release the emotion of the week. ::hys::
Tex, even though we just emailed each other about this last night, you posting about it makes my heart go out to your sister and her family again. I can't imagine losing one of my kids, ever. Especially at such a young age; how your brother-in-law and sister even cope this many years later is beyond me.
This was a well written tribute to your nephew; I know he's proud of you and this post.
Dustin looks like he was a great kid. I feel your pain, my 3-year old nephew died suddenly in a drowning accident a few years back. My brother is still reeling but we try to focus on the good times.
sometimes i dont even know what to say to my sis and her family. I can talk to my niece about it alot easier than my sis as she is still having difficulty. Thank goodness there was a support group organization my 2 nieces got involved with...they processed alot..in fact I think my niece is gonna end up either a career in grief counseling or do it volunteering.
sparkles thanks!!
DD. the good times are the what we have to focus on to maintain.
ted I guess this morning I realized I had to get it out. Im going home this coming weekend to see them.
becks ::HYGS::
Peace, Tex.
ok, alright....
Tex, I remember you mentioning this before, and like everybody else, my heart goes out to you and your family. What strength it must have taken for them to go back there!
LOL Becks made a typo on a typo LOLOL!!
Tex, I came in search of your dream story and saw this first. I just don't know what to say, I never knew the details you shared here today. It breaks my heart how sad and tragic the loss of your wonderful nephew is to all of you, and want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. ::hygs::
Also, I saw your photoshopped picture of you and Josh. That's hysterical. You're too much. :)
//That's hysterical. You're too much. :)//
Don't encourage her, JET. ;)
What? you dont LIKE my humor TED??? :)
see if I give lessons on how to photoshop :)
and thats not how to shop for photos
//Don't encourage her, JET. ;)//
Well, Ted, I posted "You're hysterical" which we non-stalkers recognize as code for "You're scaring me, but I'm going to smile, wave and back out of here slowly". ;)
No Tex, I love your sense of humor. Mine needs a little work. ;) And if thats not what photshop means, what is it?
::thumbs up::
I like your picture of Papi and Manny. I miss those guys...
Me too, JET.
Me too.
My heart goes out to you and your family. That's an awful tragedy
So sorry about your nephew, Tex.
I don't know how people survive something like that. I don't think I could be that strong.
Hygs to you, sistah.
Tex, I don't even know you. But coming from the heart of one Texas girl to another, I am truly sorry to hear about your loss. Best wishes to you and yours at a time like this.
thanks so much krystle and asian cowgirl! and thanks Beazer!!
so much for ya's sweet words.
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